Deduction of Art
Opening Credits:
Before I begin writing the monograph that is my study into Art and how we can learn through Deduction from it, I would like to give some thanks to the people who helped this to become a reality.
-Jordan, at the Art of Deduction (Link below): Who helped me on Youtube and gave me a few very useful resources in this study.
-Sam, at "Thinking Like Sherlock" (Link below): Who gave me some practice when I was learning this new skill.
- Allie Singo, A student of mine who helped further the practice.
- Nadine Ashrf, who also gave me help in this area.
-The Book "The Psychology of Art" by Lev Simenovich Vygotsky.
- And to anyone else who sent me photos or art to deduce, and who allowed me to probe them with questions about art.
Art of Deduction:
Thinking Like Sherlock:
To many people; art is the ultimate expression of ones sense of self expression, their taste, and many accept that one's choice in art has a deeper meaning to them. That it speaks to them on some fundamental level. Additionally; so many ways have been explored to determine things beyond the obvious about people based on everything from their profile picture to their phone case, and their personality type; all based on how they inevitably express themselves in everything they do. As a Deductionist, I make it a point to research and perfect the "Art of Deduction" in whatever way I can. I've studied everything from medicine, physics and biology, to chemistry, and psychology. Not only have I applied these things to deductive reasoning, but I've also taught deduction to more people than I care to try and remember, from friends and family to total strangers. I hope that I've done my part in advancing the science of deduction, as one day it is my hope to see Deduction become a recognized science; and not be seen as the pseudo science that it is considered to be by many people. But it is just as much science, as it is an art itself. So I am surprised that with as expressive as art is considered to be; that there have been so few attempts to understand it through Science and Deduction.
In the following pages, I will attempt to share with you all of the findings of my research and experimentation up until this point as we study the Deduction of Art...